Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Louise Slice

From the source of book named slices biscuits & cakes by robyn martin (an excellent must have recipe book by the way!), I made this cakes on one lazy sunday afternoon. A perfect companion for a cup of tea or coffee.


100g butter (got no butter, i used margarine instead)
1/4cup sugar
1 1/2cups flour
2tsp baking powder
1/2cup raspberry jam (dun have also, i used strawberry jam)
1/2cup sugar
1/2cup coconut (If u like more coconut, can increase)

Melt butter in a saucepan large enuff to mix all ingredients. Stir in first measure of sugar. Separate eggs, Add yolks to saucepan and mix until combined. Sift flour and baking powder into saucepan. Mix to combine. Spread mixture into a greased 20 x 30cm sponge roll tin. Spread jam over base. Beat egg whites until stiff. Mix in second measure of sugar and coconut. Spread over jam. Bake at 180c for 25 to 30mins or until cooked and golden. Cut into squares or fingers while stil warm.


Dita said...

looks so yummy, Deb! :d. Kutunggu postingan di dapur bareng si kecil ;)

Deby Suwito said...

iya mbak, tungguin ya. Belum ngerti kayak apa upload fotonya. Gaptek emang neh diriku.

Unknown said...

cakenya cakep oi....daku bego dalam hal baking hihihik

btw, demen batik yah? kan banyak tuh di indo sekarang, batik yg di blog gua beli di inacraft tuh keren2 modelnya tp di bagian atas ada kawatnya nusuk2 pinggang gua eiei

tata | bonitafood said...

hai mbak deby... salam kenal ya... wah senengnya, akhirnya aku ketemu blognya :D. Hemm... mau kuenya donk! :D~

Unknown said...

I love cakes like this one...Harmony of coconut and raspberry jam. Mmmm sounds sooo good!

Smita Srivastava said...

First time here . The cake looks so yummy n inviting !!


elly.s said...

enak banget pasti ma kupi yak...
btw lam kenal...link2an yuk..